
Genre Pictures

Genre Pictures was formed by Nick Nicolaou & Paul Katte to develop and produce their film projects and entertainment properties, and to partner their special make-up effects company, Make-up Effects Group (www.megeffects.com.au).

By creating a production company identity, they are able to develop their projects and give themselves a solid platform to work from. Make-up Effects Group has already established themselves as leaders with 25 years in the FX industry, and will play a big part in the evolvement of Genre Pictures.

“We have several creator owned projects that we have been developing at the highest level. The timing is right as serious interest has evolved, and we wanted to step up to the plate. We’re here to make quality films and alternative media based on these projects. Our projects offer a wide range of ancillary market potential, from video games, comic books, toys and collectibles. Genre is at the heart of these projects. We love the industry we are in, and have grown up with horror, sci-fi, fantasy films, comic books, suspense and crime thrillers… – it’s why we got into the film industry and make-up effects.”

Nick – “These are the type of films we wish to make. We have so many stories we want to tell. Even when I approached a creative agent for representation, I told them my main focus and drive was to get my projects green-lit, and their representation with me as a writer/director at the helm to take precedent.”

A creative environment has been set up with editing and CGI facilities, production art room, boardroom and make-up effects studio all in one package. With their various properties, and their strong reputation in the film industry, they have established an exciting and attractive draw card for studios and producers.

Solid story concepts, developed with high market potential are at the heart of their creative development. Genre Pictures is here to make its mark.